Läst 2863 ggr
5/25/12, 12:01 AM


Hej jag undrar om det finns någon här i Sverige? som kan titta på foton(som jag själv har fotat med Orber) och säga om dessa ORBER är  släktingar eller anhöriga till mig ovch min familj?

5/25/12, 8:53 AM

Det finns många som kan säga det. Andra kommer säga något annat. Det går alltid att hitta någon som mot betalning (eller ibland gratis) säger det man vill höra. Frågan är hur du skall veta vem som har rätt.

Michael C
5/25/12, 3:49 PM



An idea for "Orbs" hunters. "Orbs" are bright sphere-shaped or disk- shaped objects which show up in pictures when photographing cemetaries, haunted houses, etc. But many OF these are simply the photoflash-illuminated dust motes or mist droplets hanging in front OF the camera lens. The circular "orb shape" is a blurred image OF a bright dot, and the shape is determined by the camera iris edge. If your camera iris is circular, the "orb" will appear as a disk, but if the iris is octagonal, the Orb will look like a little octagon.

Ooo, idea! To settle the matter, place an opaque object on your camera lens! E.g. stick a thin slice OF black electric tape across the lens. Or even make an "X shape" from thin tape slices. Now whenever you photograph a bright, small, blurred object such as a dust mote, then the dark strips OF tape will show up as part OF the bright circular "orb image." The false Orb will have a big black X drawn across it. On the other hand, if the "orb" is real, if it is large and distant from the camera, you'll see no shadow-image OF the opaque tape cutting across the "orb." Presto: any possible "orbs" can be instantly separated from the dust-mote images; the real orbs won't have a big fuzzy "X" across them.

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